Author Archives: david Widory
PDF Students
Bruna Saar Title:Authenticating the origin of maple syrups using strontium isotope systematics
Barcelona, 2017 Monika’s defense, May 2018
Field work
Loire River (France), 2014 Loire River (France), 2015 Loire River (France), 2016
The isotope gang
David Au Yang’s PhD defence in Paris, June 2017 Montreal, December 2014 A visit from Monika’s cosupervisor Maciej Gorka (U. Wroclaw, Poland), October 2014 Geotop … Continue reading
Energy Globe Awards 2008
Energy Globe Award Award Presenter: Leanne Liddle (Northern Territory Government, Australia) With Hans-Gert Pöttering, president of the European Parliament (2007-2009) With Koffi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006)
12th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference (IAGC) Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA 17-22 September 2017 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET) Ghent, Belgium 12-15 September, 2016 AGC-AGU-AMC-UGC Joint Assembly Montréal, Canada 3-7 May, … Continue reading
Past graduate and undergraduate students
Jessica Landry (BSc; 2012-2015). Sulfur isotopes in aerosols from Paris (France). Frédérique Desmarais-Girard (BSc; 2012-2013). Constraining the carbon budget in the Loire River (France) using isotopes. Moez Balhoul (PhD internship; 2014). Understanding the geochemical cycle and the sources of metals in the Sfax saltmarshes (Tunisia) … Continue reading
BSc students
Louis-Philippe Dumas (Bsc internship; 2021). Water quality along the Lenguazaque River (Colombia).