

Dr Romain Millot, BRGM (France)

My friend Romain is a frequent visitor of our research group. A leading specialist in Li isotopes, he regularly gives a lecture on geothermy in my SCT3111 “Geochemical Cycles” class.


Dr Nathalie Gassama (U. of Tours, France)

Already collaborating with us within the frame of the FongéLoire project, Nathalie will visit us during her sabbatical during winter 2018.


Dr Bjarni Gautason, ISOR (Iceland)

We first collaborated 10 years ago on the use of bioindicators to evaluate the impact of atmospheric emissions from Icelandic geothermal plants on their surrounding environment. Bjarni spent part of his sabbatical with us in 2016 and together we developed the use of 210Pb to date mosses.


Pr. Jianyao Chen, Sun Yat-Sen university (China)

Pr. Chen visited us during his sabbatical between January and July 2016.



Dr Thomas D Bullen, USGS (USA)

I have known Tom since my days at the BRGM in France. He is one of the few experts when dealing with metal isotopes. Tom visited our MC-ICP-MS laboratory in April 2015 to help us develop the Cr, Cd and Zn isotopes analysis.





Dr Hiroto Kawashima, Akita Prefectural University (Japan)

My friend Hiroto visited us during summers 2013 and 2014 and we are collaborating on research projects dealing with diffuse pollution.